[NEW Release] IROAD OBD Power Cable – Plug an Play I One Cable for All Vehicles

In May 2024, IROAD MOBILITY announced the release of the new IROAD OBD Power Cable (IM-300) for dash cameras, which is compatible with all types of vehicles (fuel, hybrid, EV).
This cable aims to replace the previous generation IROAD OBD Power Cable, which came in 2 different versions: Fuel/Hybrid (JW-100) and EV (JW-200). This simplifies the purchasing process for users, while also increasing the product’s sustainability and versatility, offering an all-in-one, plug-and-play dash cam powering solution.

The new IROAD OBD Power Cable (IM-300):

  • can be set to general/EV mode through a switch located on the OBD connector
  • enables Parking Mode (which can also be set ON/OFF through another switch located on the OBD connector – same as the previous OBD power cable)
  • Is compatible with a voltage of up to 24V (upgrade from the old OBD power cable, which only supported up to 12V)

The IROAD OBD Power Cable is an optimal dash cam powering solution for users who prefer not to or do not have the necessary expertise to connect their dash cams directly to the vehicle’s fuse box. Its simple plug-and-play design simplifies the dash cam installation process even for inexperienced users, while still enabling Parking Mode recording.

Source from : IROAD  I Buy Now : OBD IM-300

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